Workflow Catalog
Browse our rigorously developed and supported workflows for your field of research.
Browse our rigorously developed and supported workflows for your field of research.
This workflow can be used to perform sequence similarity search e.g. blast, fasta, ssearch, etc
This workflow can be used to download publicly available SRA FastQ files
This workflow can be used to perform MSA of homologous protein sequences.
This workflow can be used to predict the structure of a nucleotide sequence as well as look for specific structures within the sequence
The workflow can be used to assess the quality of AAV production using PacBio Sequencing data, by examining alignment coverage across sequences and sequence regions including promotor and CDS region.
This workflow can be used to predict new protein sequence likely to have a protein structure, given the structure of a known protein.
This workflow can be used to find publicly available experimentally-derived and predicted structures, determine protein domains, predict protein function and predict 2D- and 3D-structures using a FastA Sequence
This workflow designs guide RNA sequences for knock-out experiments.
This workflow performs CRISPResso batch analysis on amplicon sequencing fastqs
Determine methylation patterns in Bisulfite-Seq applications
This workflow can be used to create alignment indexes and other resources for running NGS workflows. The workflow create alignment index files for Blast, Minimap2, BWA, Bowtie, Bismark, HiSat2, Star and Salmon. It also makes the BS Genome resource for some bioconductor applications and MSI index to determine microsattelite stability.
This workflow is designed to analyze single cell RNASeq data post-mapping and gene annotation
This workflow can be used to identify single-nucleotide variants, indels and structural variants in a genomics resequencing project compared to a reference genome
This workflow can be used to determine gene abundances, splice variants, gene fusion events, skipped exons and differential expression analysis in human tumors
This workflow can be used to identify single-nucleotide variants, indels and structural variants in Human Tumor sequencing project compared to a reference genome with or without a normal matched control sample
This workflow can be used to identify single-nucleotide variants, indels and structural variants in COVID-19 genomics sequencing project. This workflow also can determine lineage using Pangolin
This workflow can be used to perform Genome-Wide Association Studies
Determine the Haplotype of certain genes including HLA, RBG, and Codis
This workflow can be used to find genes a prokaryote genome
This workflow can be used to identify single-nucleotide variants, indels and structural variants in a Ancient DNA genomics resequencing project compared to a reference genome
This workflow can be used to identify genes and determine gene structure and alternatively spliced forms in a eukaryote genome
This workflow can be used to determine gene abundances, splice variants and differential expression analysis
This workflow designs sgRNA sequences for CRISPR genome editing experiments. It includes homology directed repair, base editing, and prime editing (3 and 3b)
This Form Bio-customized workflow uses a pre-trained ML model to optimize an AAV nucleotide construct for hairpins, codon bias, and CpG islands.
This workflow can be used to optimize a nucleotide sequence for codon usage and folding energies
This workflow is designed to help the users extract the gene sequences from a genome including the genomic, cds, and protein sequences.
This workflow can be used to determine gene abundances from multiple alignment tools for comparison
This workflow has been designed to determine differentially expressed genes, using abundance of transcripts and genes from previous workflow analysis which generates gene and transcript counts
This workflow can be used to download count and FPKM data from recount3
This workflow can be used to identify single-nucleotide variants, indels and structural variants in a genomics resequencing project compared to a reference genome from your project
This workflow can be used to identify single-nucleotide variants, indels and structural variants in a genomics resequencing project compared to a reference genome. Input file is BAMs
This workflow can be used to perform MSA of homologous protein sequences from a database.
This workflow can be used to find publicly available experimentally-derived and predicted structures, determine protein domains, predict protein function and predict 2D- and 3D-structures using a Protein Accession (Uniprot, Refseq, Ensembl)
This workflow can be used to perform sequence similarity search e.g. blast, fasta, ssearch, etc with a custom database